美國Bio-rad伯樂The Experion全自動電泳系統組成:
Experion 全自動電泳系統為所有進行科學研究的實驗室提供了更為高效和實用的全自動電泳方法來進行蛋白和RNA 方面的科學研究。通過Experion 全自動電泳系統,只需30 分鐘您就可以獲得包括初步數據在內的具有高度重復性的結果,從此您可以花更多的時間 來處理您的結果,而不是在方法學上浪費時間。
結合了伯樂公司在電泳方面的豐富經驗和創新的芯片電泳技術的新產品Experion 全自動電泳系統將會使您的科研在自動化方面提升到一個新水平。
Experion 全自動電泳系統的微流體分離設備在加速數據獲取的同時亦能保證您的結果的質量。
Experion 全自動電泳系統可以自動完成凝膠電泳的全部過程,并可以提供具有高度重復性的分離和定量分析結果。僅需一個簡單的步驟即可快速完成樣品分離、染色、脫色、成像、 條帶檢測、定量及數據分析的全過程,節省您寶貴的時間。
Experion 全自動電泳系統由于其平穩、高效和創造性的設計而得到高質量的結果。化的微流體芯片設計、電泳級的分析試劑盒(同時額外提供蛋白及RNA 標準品)、易于上手的全自動電泳工作站及制膠工作站、功能強大的分析軟件系統組成的一體化系統讓您的科研工作更卓有成效。
制膠工作站僅需最少的操作,即可為您成功進行電泳制備恒定的高質量蛋白及RNA 芯片級凝 膠。預設時間及壓力確保凝膠基質與芯片通道間進行化的混合及制膠。全自動步驟確保了 Experion 系統能為您提供高質量和恒定的結果。
RNA 分析時需選配渦旋工作站
渦旋工作站能讓樣品與RNA 分析試劑進行充分混合,從 而保證您能得到高質量的結果。特殊設計的渦旋適配器提供了 芯片放置的位置,并能在一分鐘的渦旋過程安全鎖緊芯片。
目錄 # | 描述 |
Experion Automated Electrophoresis Systems | |
700-7000 | Experion System, 100–120/220–240 V, for protein analysis, includes electrophoresis station, priming station, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7001 | Experion System, 100/120 V, for RNA and DNA analyses, includes electrophoresis station, priming station, vortex station, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7002 | Experion System, 220/240 V, for RNA and DNA analyses, includes electrophoresis station, priming station, vortex station, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
Experion Automated Electrophoresis Systems With Computers | |
700-7060 | Experion System with Dell Computer and Monitor, 100–120/220–240 V, for protein analysis, includes electrophoresis station, priming station, Dell Optiplex computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7061 | Experion System With Dell Computer, 100–120/220–240 V, for protein analysis (without monitor), includes electrophoresis station, priming station, Dell Optiplex computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7062 | Experion System With Dell Computer and Monitor, 100–120 V, for RNA and DNA analyses, includes electrophoresis station, priming station, vortex station, Dell Optiplex computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7063 | Experion System With Dell Computer, 100–120 V, for RNA and DNA analyses (without monitor), includes electrophoresis station, priming station, vortex station, Dell Optiplex computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7064 | Experion System With Dell Computer, 220–240 V, for RNA and DNA analyses (without monitor), includes electrophoresis station, priming station, vortex station, Dell Optiplex computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7065 | Experion System With HP Compaq Computer and Monitor, 100–120/220–240 V, for protein analysis, includes electrophoresis station, priming station, HP Compaq d530 computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7066 | Experion System With HP Compaq Computer, 100–120/220–240 V, for protein analysis (without monitor), includes electrophoresis station, priming station, Dell Optiplex computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7067 | Experion System With HP Compaq Computer and Monitor, 100–120 V, for RNA and DNA analyses, includes electrophoresis station, priming station, vortex station, HP Compaq d530 computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7068 | Experion System With HP Compaq Computer, 100–120 V, for RNA and DNA analyses (without monitor), includes electrophoresis station, priming station, vortex station, HP Compaq d530 computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
700-7069 | Experion System With HP Compaq Computer, 220–240 V, for RNA and DNA analyses (without monitor), includes electrophoresis station, priming station, vortex station, HP Compaq d530 computer, software, USB2 cable, instructions (analysis kits sold separately) |
Experion Priming Station | |
700-7030 | Experion Priming Station, 100–120/220–240 V, includes 2 priming seals |
Experion Vortex Station | |
700-7040 | Experion Vortex Station, 115 V |
700-7041 | Experion Vortex Station, 230 V |
Experion Automated Electrophoresis Station | |
700-7010 | Experion Electrophoresis Station, 100–120/220–240 V, includes USB2 cable, instructions |
Experion Software | |
700-7050 | Experion Software, version 3.0, system operation and standard data analysis tools, PC |
700-7051 | Experion Validation Kit, 3 test chips, qualification procedures, dongle, PC |
700-7052 | Experion Security Edition Software, system operation and standard and 21 CFR 11 data analysis tools, 3 test chips, qualification procedures, dongle, PC |