nanoCVD-8G石墨烯CVD系統是英國MOORFIELD公司與英國曼徹斯特大學“諾貝爾獎”石墨烯團隊共同開發的一款專門生長高質量石墨烯的科研CVD系統,該系統采用的“冷壁技術”生長石墨烯,具有生長速度快,石墨烯質量高,耗量少,無污染的優點,有多篇Science 與Nature的文章里都采用了該設備,是制備高質量二維材料石墨烯科研用戶的理想選擇。
? 采用全自動“冷壁”技術與*的加熱臺設計實現高效加熱和低反應材料消耗,運行費用低,石墨烯質量高。
? 超緊湊簡約的臺式設計 ( 外觀體積尺寸: 405X415X280mm3, 機臺重量 27 公斤)
?大樣片尺寸:20 mm X40 mm
? 觸摸式液晶觸摸屏界面可自設和存儲多達30個生長流程,生長條件精確控制,可重復生成制備石墨烯
? 聯機數據采集,生長流程全自動控制
? 系統維護便捷方便,壓力、氣體流量和溫度參數連鎖確保使用安全
? 基底一般為銅,其它金屬與晶圓可選
1, Transparent conductive graphene textile fibers, Neves, A. I. S., et al. Nature Scientific Reports ,2015.
2, Chemical vapor deposited graphene for opto-electronic applications, Passi, V. et al. Journal of Nano Research, 2016.
3, Spectral sensitivity of graphene/silicon heterojunction photodetectors, Riazimehr, S., et al. Solid-State Electronics, 2015.
4, High quality monolayer graphene synthesized by resistive heating cold wall chemical vapor deposition, Bointon, T. H., et al. Advanced Materials, 2015.
5, Versatile polymer-free graphene transfer method and applications, Zhang, G., et al. ACS, Applied Materials and Interfaces ,2007.
6, Selection, characterisation and mapping of complex electrochemical processes at individual single-walled carbon nanotubes: the case of serotonin oxidation, Güell, A. G., et al. Faraday Discussions ,2014.
7, Nanoscale electrocatalysis: Visualizing oxygen reduction at pristine, kinked, and oxidized sites on individual carbon nanotubes, Byers, J. C., et al. Journal of the American Chemical Society ,2014.
8, Mapping nanoscale electrochemistry of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes, Güell, A. G., et al. Nano Letters ,2014.
9, Graphene growth by chemical vapor deposition process on copper foil, Machá?, P., et al. ElectroScope, 2016.
10, Graphene transfer methods for the fabrication of membrane-based NEMS devices, Wagner, S. et al. Microelectronic
Engineering, 2016.
11, Contact resistance study of various metal electrodes with CVD grapheme, Gahoi, A. et al. Solid-State Electronics, 2016.